
This web page satisfies the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the relevant provisions of the America Invents Act and provides the necessary notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).
Certain LNHC, Inc. products may be covered by one or more patent(s) in the United States.  The following table of LNHC, Inc. product(s) and their associated U.S. patent(s) may not be all inclusive.  The absence of a product or a patent number from the below table does not constitute a waiver of LNHC Inc. patent, trademark, or other intellectual property rights concerning that product or patent.  The products listed here may not be approved in all countries and this listing of patent information does not mean to confer approval status. Additional patents may be pending.


Patent Number(s)

ZelsuvmiTM (berdazimer) topical gel, 10.3%



US Patent Number 8,282,967
US Patent Number 8,956,658
US Patent Number 9,289,442
US Patent Number 9,526,738
US Patent Number 9,737,561
US Patent Number 9,855,211
US Patent Number 10,258,564
US Patent Number 10,265,334
US Patent Number 10,322,081
US Patent Number 10,376,538
US Patent Number 10,736,839
US Patent Number 11,040,006
US Patent Number 11,285,098
US Patent Number 11,723,858


This web page satisfies the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the relevant provisions of the America Invents Act and provides the necessary notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).
Certain LNHC, Inc. products may be covered by one or more patent(s) in the United States.  The following table of LNHC, Inc. product(s) and their associated U.S. patent(s) may not be all inclusive.  The absence of a product or a patent number from the below table does not constitute a waiver of LNHC Inc. patent, trademark, or other intellectual property rights concerning that product or patent.  The products listed here may not be approved in all countries and this listing of patent information does not mean to confer approval status. Additional patents may be pending.